Scar revision by hair transplantation.

Scar revision through hair transplantation is unquestionably the most complex aspect of hair transplantation surgery.
It should only be undertaken by those who have sufficient experience in this intricate area.
Fortunately, when carried out successfully, it is one of the most rewarding areas of plastic surgery as it can transform people’s lives; where once patients experienced anxiety and low self-esteem, they can move to a place of peace of mind and confidence.
As a consultant plastic surgeon - with a major interest in scarring and facial disfigurement - understanding the importance of both prevention and successful treatment in this area has been an integral part of my everyday professional career for more than 25 years.
Hair transplantation is but one technique in the arsenal of reconstructive methods which can be deployed in minimising the appearance scarring.
Hair transplantation is, in itself, not necessarily a universal panacea. Nor it is the one ‘perfect’ technique for all hair bearing skin scar correction. Other conventional plastic surgery techniques may be used instead of, or in conjunction with, hair transplantation. The ability to combine the right surgical techniques for the particular problems of scarring are crucial.
In addition to technique, selecting the correct sequencing of operative procedures is important to make sure subsequent reconstructive procedures (such as other procedures of the face) are not jeopardised. It is vital not to ‘burn one’s reconstructive boats’.