Pain-Free Treatment

Patients should not feel pain at any stage in the process. I have many years experience in the field of pain management and patients can be assured that this is an area which will be closely monitored by myself at all stages of the Paradigm journey.

Procedures are carried out under local anaesthesia and oftentimes a sedative tablet can be given which promotes a feeling of relaxation during the course of the day. Patients will also have the benefit of audiovisual entertainment systems and can thus view their favorite movies, TV shows and music during the operation. These comfort-measures combine to make the procedure pain-free, and, as described by most patients, 'enjoyable'.

“As a woman who had always taken care of my appearance, I was extremely distressed and self-conscious, both about the visible scarring on my forehead and the bald patch in the middle of my hairline.”

MG, Northern Ireland.