Consultation / Design Stage

'Life-long benefits should be outstanding, not stand out.'

Many patients will have been subject to media and commercial pressures and may have the view, even tacitly, that having an aesthetic surgical procedure is like any other commercial transaction.  Thus one could think that, just as you might buy an off-the-peg suit, you might decide to opt for surgery. As an experienced plastic surgeon, this idea is abhorrent to me. Unlike retail purchases, surgical results cannot be returned or exchanged. It is a significant decision that can only be taken with care and guidance.

And having been referred many patients with poor outcomes who have fallen-foul of such commercial approaches, I have witnessed first-hand how hair transplantation is totally unlike any normal financial transaction. The results of poor surgery are not only damaging psychologically and physically - but they can be extremely costly financially in terms of reconstructing poor results. Moreover, it is sadly the case that not all poor results can be reconstructed.

The Paradigm consultation process allows a considered, thoughtful, professional approach so that the optimal decisions can be made by each patient, without pressure. In view of the potential long term consequences, aesthetic surgical procedures should be treated with the due deference that they deserve. And when thoughtfully planned and performed, the life long benefits should be outstanding, not stand out!.

1st Consultation

The consultation is the cornerstone for a successful outcome. In surgery there is an age-old adage; “Choose well, cut well, get well”.

Regardless of whether or not a procedure is technically successful, if the operation is poorly planned and/or the aftercare deficient then the outcome is more likely to be suboptimal or even poor. It is for this reason that all Paradigm patients will be seen (from the very first consultation) by myself, consultant plastic surgeon Mr Brendan Fogarty.

The patients are absolutely under no pressure to make a decision to have a surgical procedure and to that end neither myself nor my staff, will ask whether you want a surgical procedure. This decision is best made by the patient themselves, in an unfettered fashion, away from any external pressures. Only in this way can patients feel totally comfortable in arriving at a decision that best suits them

“There was no hard sale about a hair transplant in that first meeting – in fact, it was the very opposite.”

MG, Northern Ireland.

2nd Consultation / Design Consultation

When a patient decides that they would like to proceed with the surgical option, they can make an appointment to be seen for a second consultation with the design team. The patient can plan for a surgical procedure at a future date - but prior to their surgery they will come for a design consultation where a bespoke design and future plan is arrived at in concert with the patient’s goals.

“A couple of months later I attended a design consultation with Dr Fogarty and Joanne Scannell at Paradigm Clinic. Like Dr Fogarty, Joanne has an exceptional wealth of knowledge and experience in the area of hair transplantation and was able to answer all my questions about the process at this meeting – and in great depth.”

MG, Northern Ireland.

Image of a woman with arms folded

Paradigm have the eye to create a natural and realistic hairline and years of experience in making transplants look undetectable.”
Paul Windle, one of London’s top hairdressers and Paradigm patient.