The clinic will ensure the quality of the communication with patients is second to none and that communication excellence will be seen throughout the organisation and its operational procedures and practices.
Privacy and discretion are essential ingredients in the Paradigm experience and these two factors will underscore how the clinic operates. Sensitivity to patient confidentiality and the careful protection of all information regarding our client list will be paramount.
Photographs and clinical notes are, of course, an essential component in optimising patient outcomes and Paradigm employs the latest digital practice management. All data storage will be exceptionally managed and secured. All photographic documentation systems have comprehensive, state-of-the-art encryption and back up. Patients’ photographs remain their property and will not be used in consultations with other patients or on our website or in any other promotional material without their expressed permission.
All of these details will dovetail to make another key foundation of the Paradigm difference, safety, security and peace of mind for the patient.
Paradigm will be able to accommodate both clients from abroad and those coming to us from closer to our base in Belfast. We have facilities to provide a specialist service to clients who have prominent media profiles which will involve collection from airports, accommodation in the city of Belfast and procedures where privacy and discretion are assured. The team at Paradigm is experienced in working with a variety of patients, from all walks of life and from all backgrounds.